Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Streaming Media, IPTV, and Broadband

Streaming Media, IPTV, and Broadband Transport: Telecommunications Carriers and Entertainment Services 

2009-2014                 (a market research report)


Carriers are signing up customers for video and other value-added services geared to spur spending in the consumer and business segments. In this market research report, INSIGHT will examine streaming, IPTV, mobile TV, and other information and entertainment services.

Streaming media—the IP transmission of on-demand rich media that gives the user the ability to listen to audio and view video and graphics animation files from the network without downloading the content—is but one of several technologies being used to deliver information and entertainment services. IPTV, in the context of current broadband transmission technology, will make it possible to move beyond the multicast “time-shift” capabilities of cable’s video-on-demand models to deliver true interactivity to unicast, multicast, and broadcast audiences and give carriers a slice of the more than $250 billion forecasted to be spent each year on mass advertising. 

In this research report, INSIGHT studies the role and many applications of IPTV and streaming in both the business and consumer markets. In addition, INSIGHT evaluates the broadband infrastructure, hardware, and software necessary to deliver this service to the market, as well as the end user devices at work in homes and businesses. This research study provides a detailed forecast of the video, IPTV, and streaming media markets—including the applications, markets, and equipment.

Consumers Love Streaming Media 

Streaming media is in the process of transforming the media and entertainment industry.  As a disruptive technology, streaming across the Internet is going have an impact on the organization and profitability of the TV and movie business at least as profound as gut-wrenching changes that have already transformed the music industry.  The unanswered question is weather the media and entertainment industry learned from the music industry’s mistakes and can manage the change to the advantage of the industry stakeholders. 

Consumers have always had a love affair with their video content, and streaming allows unrestricted access to movies, TV and other forms of video 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Consumers can enjoy audio and video content of any type, anytime and any where they like.  High definition video, enabled by variable bit rate streaming, is the latest technical advancement to attract consumers—and ultimately it is the consumer that is creating the demand for streaming media. 

The revenues for streaming media industry will be generated from pay per view, subscriptions and advertising.  Even as the US entertainment industry continues to generate significant revenue from traditional outlets such as box office, DVDs, broadcast television—its future growth will all take place in the streaming media segment. 

In streaming, rich digital media is transferred across a network for immediate enjoyment by the consumer and without the requirement for any permanent local data storage.  The content download process is very similar to streaming except that the digital media is stored on the consumer’s local device. In both scenarios, digital rights management (DRM) is being used to control or limit the listening, viewing, and distribution of content.  A content delivery network (CDN) is often used to transfer the media for both streaming and content downloads.

Powerful, Compact, SDH Network Test Set

SunSet SDH


Powerful, Compact, SDH Network Test Set


Optical networks provide the high capacity and reliable connectivity that today’s business operations rely on. These networks also present unique installation and maintenance challenges. The SunSet SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) test set is perfect for bringing new circuits into service and troubleshooting problems with in-service circuits in the field. This comprehensive handheld test set has features that were previously only available on large, rack-mounted systems, and it’s highly affordable compared to other solutions.


The SunSet SDH offers 1.5/2 Mbps to 2.5 Gbps testing with advanced applications for SDH networks in a single package. This powerful unit also includes all the tools needed to verify and troubleshoot ATM, GSM, frame relay, ISDN, SS7, and voice. Among handheld sets, only the SunSet SDH has the feature set to ensure quality connections across the entire access network and verify that the quality of network synchronization meets ITU-T standards by performing jitter and wander measurements.



  • SDH transmission testing, overhead analysis and control, and decoding
  • SDH mux/demux testing
  • PDH/ T-carrier testing
  • Jitter/Wander generation and measurement
  • ATM Testing
  • Less than 4lb (1.8 kg) and battery operated

Comprehensive Handheld Analyzer for 2 Mbps Transmission, Datacom

SunSet E20c


Comprehensive Handheld Analyzer for 2 Mbps Transmission, Datacom, Signaling, and Service Verification


Today’s sophisticated networks often require numerous costly test units to identify and fix complex problems. The SunSet E20c saves on costs while minimizing network downtime by eliminating the need to purchase and carry multiple units. These versatile, handheld units include a complete set of tools for testing networks, making them extremely useful for installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting a wide variety of communication services and technologies.


The SunSet E20c tests cellular, frame relay, switching, access, and simple leased line networks. A field-replaceable NiMH battery pack and upgradeable software options ensure that the unit stays in service, and is easily updated to keep pace with your testing requirements. With its high-powered processing architecture and dual receivers and transmitters, no other equipment of similar size and cost matches the SunSet E20c's versatility or convenience.



  • Complete multi-service feature set in a single affordable package
  • Combines E1 transmission testing and protocol analyzer
  • Easy-to-Use, graphical configuration screens
  • Stored system profiles and test results
  • Dual BER testing and bidirectional monitoring capabilities
  • Intuitive user interface with status LED indicators
  • GSM AMR Monitoring   
    • GSM Channel Monitoring
    • Standards: based on 3GPP TS 08.60, 08.61, 06.90 standard
    • Bidirectional drop/monitor of 8 and 16 kbit/s GSM channels/ sub-channel
    • AMR modes of 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.2 and 12.2 kbit/s
    • Automatic frame type detection
    • Identify signaling channel for A-bis, A-ter and A links
    • Voice decoded bidirectionally

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

MTT - Optical Test Toolkit Module

MTT - Optical Test Toolkit Module


Optical Test Toolkit Module


The Optical Test Toolkit Module combines all tests needed to qualify optical fiber networks and identify faults, including a bi-directional loss test, optical return loss, and visual fault locator. The Optical Return Loss (ORL) test ensures signal quality by checking for reflections from connectors or discontinuous interfaces. The Visual Fault Locator (VFL) is the simplest way to check for breaks in the fiber path.



·        Adjustable power laser source

·        Power meter

·        Dual-ended insertion loss test set

·        Optical return loss measurement

·        Visual fault locator

MTT - Micro OTDR Module

MTT - Micro OTDR Module


First optical time domain reflectometer in a compact module


The Micro OTDR Module is an affordable solution for verifying fiber networks during the construction phase and troubleshooting problems during the maintenance phase. It locates fiber breaks, identifies faults, estimates fiber attenuation, and verifies back reflection. The Micro OTDR Module has three key advantages: portability, modularity, and affordability.



·        One of the smallest OTDRs in the world

·        Automatic fiber test: one-button for complete fiber testing

·        Dual wavelength capability (SMF - 1310/1550nm, MMF - 850/1310nm)

·        Optional VFL, OPM, LS

·        Designed for FTTx, metro, and enterprise networks

·        Companion PC program for further data analysis

MTT - Optical Channel Monitor Modules

MTT - Optical Channel Monitor Modules


Optical Channel Monitor Modules


With the rapid increase in metro service installations, the CWDM and DWDM Modules are a low-cost alternative to optical spectrum analyzers, providing key measurements including lambda and power OSNR, and advanced features such as power and lambda drift detection.



·        First lightweight handheld WDM solution - ideal for field applications

·        User-friendly, intuitive spectrum analysis

·        Displays essential data of the entire CWDM/DWDM spectrum band

·        Low-cost alternative to an OSA




The MTT ACM II Chassis features a family of plug-in modules, providing stringent and comprehensive testing to qualify the copper pair in physical layer


The MTT ACM II (Modular Test Toolkit Advanced Cable Maintenance) provides the industry’s premier handheld test set for qualifying the copper pair for different DSL services including VDSL2, ADSL2+ and SHDSL services. The ACM II covers an industry best frequency range from voiceband to 30 MHz – necessary for FTTN and MDU applications based on VDSL2. In addition, the flexible configuration of this host chassis can support DSL, optical, and other MTT modules making it the only high-speed solution offering complete FTTN/x testing in one package.


Integrated into the test set are key cable maintenance features including a resistance fault locator (RFL), spectrum analysis, dual trace time domain reflectometer (TDR) and digital multimeter enhancing troubleshooting and repair. Using the MTT ACM II enables service providers to complete installations in less time and with greater confidence in the quality of service delivered to customers.



·        Physical layer testing for different DSL flavors including VDSL2, ADSL2+ and SHDSL

·        Dual Trace TDR for in-depth fault location

·        RFL to locate resistance faults

·        Patented Detaptor function to identify bridge taps and determine its length

·        Impulse noise

·        DMM

·        Load coil detector

·        NEXT/FEXT

·        Supports many SSMTT/SSxDSL test modules